Account Management

Account Management

Each customer has an account in GP-Billing that holds a history of interactions.

From the [Billing] dashboard, click the [View Account] button.

Use the following buttons to find or add the customer account:

[Sync Patient]                    Synchronise with the currently selected patient in the clinical system

[Search Account]              Search for an account that already exists in GP-Billing

The account view consists of two panels, the top panel contains information about the account holder and the bottom panel contains information about the transactions.

Account Holder

Click [Edit Details] to modify the address and contact information, if this is a patient from your clinical system, some demographic information will be read only. An alternate billing address can be recorded for these patients.

To add policy details provided by a third party, click [Policy Details] and record the policy reference, start and end dates.

To set a credit limit, click the [Change] button and set the amount of credit available.

To print a statement of account, click [Print Statement]. There are two types of statement, outstanding which shows outstanding items and account which shows all transactions.

Set the start and end dates for the statement

If you wish to update the last statement date tick the checkbox.

Click [Print] to produce the statement.

For information on [Alerts], please see the separate guide.


The transactions panel is split into 3 tabs:

Draft Bills                             Bills that are still being raised
Outstanding Bills               Bills that have been sent but are unpaid
Transactions                       All transactions

The transactions can be filtered using the  button, searched using the  button and sorted by clicking the column header.

The invoice number is the reference on the invoice sent to the patient, business or third party. This will differ from the bill identifier as a bill can generate multiple invoices.

In the [Description] column, a tag shows whether the bill is paid, part paid or unpaid. Click on the tag to see the payment information.

To view or create notes, click on the  icon. To create a note, click on the [+] icon. Add some text and click [Save]

The note icon changes  to indicate that a note exists against the transaction.

Where there is a third party, this indicates that the bill is also associated with another account, click the hyperlink to view the third-party account.

On the [Transactions] tab, the Actions are to [Print], [Email] and [Void] the transaction. When voiding transactions, these must be done in the opposite order to which they were applied. For example, if a bill was raised and then a payment was received, the payment must be voided first and then the bill.

On the [Outstanding Bills] tab, the Actions are to [Pay Bill].

On the [Draft Bills] tab, the Actions are to [View Bill], [Print] and [Delete].


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