EMIS Web requires activation of the API before GP-Billing
can be installed. To do this, click the [EMIS] icon in the top left corner,
select [System Tools] and [EMAS Manager].
Click on [Partner API] and select [Egton Billing] (this is the old name for GP-Billing) and click
the [Activate Application] button at the top of the screen.
Now that GP-Billing has been activated, you need to setup
the users who need to access [GP-Billing]. Click on [Edit Users] and tick the
first user that requires activation. You will need to set a password, this can
be [Password1!] for all users. When you have activated the users, click [OK].
The next step is to set the login access for the users,
click on [Login Access] and tick the [Auto Login] and [Allow Login] boxes. When
you have set the login access, click [OK].