Practice Settings are practice wide settings for GP-Billing and will affect all users of the application.
From the [Admin] dashboard, click the [Practice Settings] button.
The practice settings are system level settings that affect all users.
1. The default credit limit for all accounts
2. Show the default third party column on reports
3. Use the consultation date as the invoice date
4. Prompt to update price list when posting a bill with a modified amount
Medical System
1. Synchronise with the consultation record and how many days to look across for billable items
2. Write billable events to the care record
Auto Locking
1. How long to wait before locking GP-Billing when medical system is unlocked
2. How long to wait before locking GP-Billing when medical system is locked
3. How often to poll medical system to check locked status
4. Automatically unlock GP-Billing when medical system is unlocked
Virtual Terminal – Pay360
Click the [Virtual Terminal Enabled] check box if using the Capita Pay360 integration.
1. Pay360 Instance ID
2. Pay360 Username
3. Pay360 Password
4. Pay360 URL
Click [Test] to make sure the settings are functional.